How well is your business future-proofed for the wellbeing of your workforce? (posted on 08.02.2017)
As society evolves and working environments continually change, new, and sometimes unforeseen, challenges to working practices develop. Demographic change and globalisation are two noteworthy drivers which are contributing to the changing workplace, and the ability of businesses to identify the workplace health and wellbeing risks associated with these are essential to future-proofing the wellbeing of […]
Boost your productivity with microbreaks (posted on 22.09.2016)
One of the best kept secrets of highly productive people is that they take regular ‘micro’ breaks throughout the day. There is growing evidence to support the link between recovery and engagement, productivity and health. The way we work today in today’s technology rich, omnipresent environment is shaping our lives in a way that is […]
Hydration for energy (posted on 03.08.2016)
Water makes up about 60% of your body, 75% in your muscles, and 85% in your brain. Water is essential for almost all of your bodily functions, especially brain function. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that being dehydrated can have very serious neurological effects and disrupt cognitive functioning. Research would suggest that dehydration is one of the biggest drains on productivity […]
Why wellbeing at work? (posted on 05.07.2016)
Health and wellbeing is a growing agenda on the boardroom table. Corporations and businesses are starting to recognise the link between employee wellbeing and long-term organisational health asboth become harder pressed to do more with less in the challenging economic climate, and are required to perform better than ever before. By investing in their most […]
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